Sunday, December 12, 2010

A New Healthy Life

As last month was Diabetes Awareness Month, it was a perfect time to reflect on my health and wealth. Both of my parents are diabetics. I had 3 grandparents that were diabetic. I have 2 sisters that are diabetic. As they say, it "runs" in the family. I started on Bios Life Slim and several of our other fabulous products. So far I have more energy. I don't feel as bloated. I've lost 15lbs and inches off my arms and in my waist.

Our biggest product - Slim helps with weight loss, diabetes management, and lowers the cholesterol level.

Even if you don't need to lose weight, we have tons of products to help you maintain your healthy lifestyle and a great business opportunity for you to have your OWN FRANCHISE just like me and all the other wonderful people at Unicity!

Take a look below at an overview and let's start this new year with a bang!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Loving and Living Life

I'm so excited. I am changing and growing. I am taking control of my finances and my health. I have to share the amazing news of Bios Life Slim and other health and wellness products from Unicity International. I have just started the products this week and my energy levels are up and I have lost some inches in my mid section.

check out more information about our products and let me know if you are ready to see your weight drop and your pockets grow! Even if you do not have weight to lose we have energy products and other supplements to keep your body well and clean!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

What to do??????? Put a mobile home beside my parents? Buy some land in Hardin/Moss Hill area and build a small home? Purchase a starter home in Mont Belvieu, Baytown or Atascocita (trying to stay close to my parents)? Or buy a nice size foreclosure home at a good price but will have to fix up?

So many decisions to make but as I have a birthday tomorrow, I am feeling the pressure of my 30's. Several times before I was going to buy a home but could never make up my mind. I wish I would have bought a home back then. Over the years I have paid wayyyyyy too much rent for places that will never be mine. I want something of my own. It upsets me that some people in my family think that I should just wait and inherit my parents home. Well, I hope that my parents are around for a long time to come. Also why is it that everyone else in my family can experience the joy of owning their own home and I can't??? Isn't that a bit selfish? I want to stay close to my parents as their primary caretaker. So I have some big decisions to make...

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I had dejavu the other day, wasn't the first time. But this time I am antsy about it, I tried to explain it to my mom and why I was excited about what might come of the dejavu I had before. Oh well, don't think she got it, ha! I'm just hoping it means what I think it does! If so I will tell you all about it in the near future. (crosses fingers and keeps the faith)

Had a great weekend kicked off with Hornet Football Homecoming on Friday. I don't think I've had this much school spirit since I was in school. I am excited about Hardin Ex Students Association, so all you that haven't join, let me know so I can get you into a great organization that is concerned with keeping spirit for the former students and current students. You don't have to be a graduate just have attended a Hardin school. Memberships are $25 for annual dues, then we have the Hornet $250, Blue $500, and Gold (Lifetime) $1,000. I am the decade cooridinator for 1991-2000. I graduated in 1996 so I need someone from the other years to volunteer to help with gathering memberships from ex students. We have a scholarship fund, we are restoring the Home Ec Cottage as our permanent meeting place after the school board approves it, and we have other projects in the works. GO HORNETS!

Sunday, August 1, 2010


So this past week has been hard. Mark and I broke up for good, I'm sure and we both agreed it was time, but it's still hard for me. I guess he's taking it better or at least acting like it. I think for me it's just that we have put 2 years into this and it's failed but hey some people put longer than that into it and do the same. We just couldn't make it work so many miles apart. Our relationship never stood a chance. But the past couple days I have been much better! Along with my parents illnesses that have kept me busy taking care of them and not really myself, I've started the thoughts of being ready for marriage and a family of my own. I've been stressed!!!!!!!

So Thursday morning I picked my mom up for dialysis. In comes a dragonfly through the front door when I was loading the car. Just the day before someone posted a church saying about a different type of "drag n fly" and my friend Shelli posted something about the real "dragonfly" and its symbolism. I told her about it and received encouragement from her. I saw another yesterday. I don't know if this is a sign but I am hoping it is.

I feel better after a couple days on Galveston Island. Just waiting on these two dragonflies to do their work. Here is tidbit on the symbolism of dragonflies......

For as many cultural meanings there are for Dragonflies, there are just as many symbol meanings of the strong winged insect. The main symbolism are renewal, positive force and power of life in general with a sense of self that comes with maturity. The Dragonfly is a creature of the wind so it's only fitting that it represents change. They skitter across the water surface implying that our deeper thoughts are surfacing. We are reminded that when our deeper thoughts rise we must also pay close attention to what is deeper than what's on the surface.The Dragonfly's colors
are a result of reflecting the power of light so they are associated with color magic or an illusion in causing others only to see what you want them to see. They remind us that we are made of light and we can reflect light in powerful ways if we choose to. They symbolize going past self created illusions that limit our growing and changing and being a creature of water they carry a symbol of dreaming and thoughts.The most popular answer of dragonfly symbolism is the sense of self that comes with maturity and there's a strong link to them and butterflies since they both represent change. Dragonflies are a creature that you learn to appreciate as you age and look more deeply at your life, which is where the link to change and self appreciation comes in. As we age we don't just see the surface of things, we start to pick apart our lives and see more meaning in things. No matter what symbol you see in the insect, the fact is that the dragonfly lives a short life and lives it's life to the fullest which is the strongest lesson we can learn from them overall.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cast your vote for my talk show on OWN TV

HELLO WORLD! I've always had a dream of touching people's lives through efficient communication and bonding practices via television. My dream might just come true and you can help me achieve it.

I am auditioning for my OWN show on Oprah Winfrey's new television network. Please cast your vote in support of me. You can vote as many times as you like until July 3rd.

For those of you that don't know me as well......I'm giving, outgoing, funny, talented, and ready to show America how we can love life! I've always been told I should have my own talk show and I never stopped believing that I could. This is my chance!

I would appreciate if you would PASS THE WORD!!!!!

Morika's Audition: Real Life with Rika - OWN TV

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Mom is better and I have started getting a lot more help! This is allowing me to continue to pursue my dreams. I am hoping to have a great announcement in the coming weeks!!!!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I really enjoyed the vacation time Mark and I had last month. But I stay so busy doing for others when I am at home, I make no time for myself. I have been blaming others but last night after I forgot something I wanted to attend with a friend. I realized I could only blame myself. I have let this consume me. I miss the days when I had fun with friends and good times. The past couple years have been hell but I know that I can make it better and I have to let myself have time for myself.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

My mom on dialysis

So while I was on vacation in Vegas/California, my mom went into the hopsital for kidney failure. Her kidney function has been going down the past 4 years or so. Unfortunately because she wasn't taking her medicine correctly becaue she wanted to continue to teach, tests were showing a false function percentage. Once she retired and started taking the meds correctly about 6 weeks ago, true function was showing in blood tests. So far dialysis has been a roller coaster. As her primary care giver it's hard on me. Really hard, I get help here and there but it's not like the 24/7 experience I have on top of making sure my dad is alright as well. It's hard and I have had to put some of my plans on hold. I would love to hear from other children with parents on dialysis and in my position. I think it will be therapeutic. On a positive note, my mom was switched to morning shift for her dialysis yesterday and it worked better. Hoping maybe she can get switched for good, that would be great.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Vegas Again!

I haven't blogged in awhile. So let me blog about my next vacation. Well I was in Las Vegas in October for Wendy & Rob's wedding. Well as if we didn't have enough of Vegas ;) - we are going back. Mark and I are going for 4 days then we are headed back to his hometown area of San Jose, CA. I'll be there for about 5 days. Really excited about Vegas because my new friend Arica and her beau Brandon will be in Vegas at the same time :). She was in Vegas in Oct. as well since after all we met at Wendy's Bachelorette Party. I am so looking forward to time away. I have been extremely stressed and it's all taking a toll on me. I have been doing the best I can to take care of my parents but it's hard doing it alone and it takes most of my time. While everyone seems to think since I have no kids or husband it's easier for me. But I will be 50 years old starting a family if I dont get a chance to start my own family like they have already had the opportunity. But I suppose at some point I will have some sort of blessing coming towards me for this sacrifice. In the mean time I will have VEGAS ;-D!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Charlie Wilson

I first traveled to the Nation's capitol - Washington, D.C. when I was 15. It was the summer after my freshman year in high school. The trip was the BIG band trip. The every 4 year trip which in recent years had been to Disney World. Instead it was D.C. It was fun and the highlight was performing on the steps of the nation's capitol. Rep. Charlie Wilson was a huge part in making that happen. I will always remember that. Meeting him was a joy and in years following I would always tell the story of the little band from Hardin, Texas that traveled to the U.S. Capitol. Ironically an old high school friend posted some pix from our trip a few days ago on facebook. I thought of Charlie Wilson again and the entire wonderful experience. I will always have fond memories of a great moment with wonderful people growing up including my favortite band director Gary Monroe. Years and years later the victories of Charlie Wilson were brought to the big screen in Charlie Wilson's War with Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts. I again told the story. Sadly Charlie Wilson lost his battle and died today. I will always remember him - BIG TEXAS LEGEND with a heart for the world.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Maria "Lupe" Olmos Hernandez Medical Fund

While I feel for those in Haiti and other places around the world that are in critical need at this time.....I can't help but think of those right here in our homeland, in our area, in our communties that need help. How can we help other citizens of the world without helping our own? Just doing something for our neigbor or their loved ones. ???

A good friend of mine Martha Olmos Traylor's sister Lupe is in need of monetary donations for her constant medical care. A benefit/fundraiser is in the planning for Maria “Lupe” Olmos Hernandez, a former Hardin High School Student. She is a 36 year old wife and mother of 4 wonderful kids. She suffers from Chronic Leukemia and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Her loving family needs aid with her medical bills. There is a medical fund already in place and your donation will help ease the stress of her extensive medical bills.

Maria Hernandez Medical Fund
First State Bank
Dalhart, Texas 79022
Acct# 487589


I will keep everyone posted with details about the benefit. Let's help! We have all had loved ones with chronic illnesses and saw how hard it is and we need to come together to help Lupe. You will be blessed!

Thank You!