Monday, August 31, 2009

Sour Politics

With the death of a great Liberal - Sen. Ted Kennedy, I have seen some generous and respectful Republicans do and say some great things about Kennedy the past few days, makes me proud to be American. However some really sour Republicans continue to bash President Obama. You know I sat through 8 years of George W. Bush and never bashed him once and respected him even though I felt he did many wrong things. And now you can't sit through 8 months of President Obama, really? I take it personal and don't tell me it's not racial, because it is. I am gonna continue to stand behind my President and I love him and my country. No one is perfect and if you don't like it then you run for office make a difference in your area or state or the entire country but don't sit here and bash our President!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

some people are just jerks and all they can do is be stupid rednecks, President Obama is doing wonderful with the card he was dealt, meaning the mess that was left After Dubya finished.